We have an open-door policy.

Feel free to drop in or contact us at any time.


Mal Peake: Stud Master
M. 0408 426 103
Email info@bogomerinos.com.au

Austin Grace: Stud Manager
Email austin@bogomerinos.com.au
M. 0473 969 552

Will Alexander: Stud Overseer
Email will@bogomerinos.com.au
M. 0488 043 831

Matt Crozier: General Manager - Cavan Station
Email matt@cavanstation.com.au
M. 0427 486 805
P. 02 6227 9291

stud consultant

Craig Wilson

M. 0428 250 982


Phill Butt / M. 0417 411 105 / P. 02 6227 1144

Butt Livestock & Property PO Box 780, Yass 2582

Feel free to send us an email with an enquiry and we will respond as soon as possible.